At Staynor Hall, we want pupils to immerse themselves into a journey through the historical topics covered, having a holistic appreciation and reflective view of the past. The cross curricular links, which are specifically planned, make the topic all encompassing across the other subjects, allowing children to contextualise and apply their learning. Each year, children will build on our five pillars of historical knowledge which will underpin their learning as they grow into historians. All of our children will be able to access a variety of historical experiences, including in their own locality, which will bring their learning to life and stay with them as they develop into adults
History is taught through a combination of topic drivers and cross curricular links where appropriate. The planning and teaching of History is carefully mapped out over the course of the 2 year rolling cycle, focusing on the knowledge stated in the National Curriculum. Our skills progression document ensures sufficient coverage of the key historical skills and encourages children to build on and develop these as they move through school. By the end of their primary school experience, children will understand the chronology of the topics they have covered and be able to compare and contrast present day to these periods.
Our EYFS aim for the children to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the year.
Learning documented in Creative Curriculum books, in the Google Classroom and other online platforms will show a broad and balanced History curriculum. History learning is found across the curriculum and acs as topic drivers. Our children are encouraged to be inquisitive and independent historians,
Due to this, our children know more, understand more and remember more Historical content and can use key historical skills appropriate to their year group.