At Staynor Hall Primary Academy, we make Music an inclusive and enjoyable learning experience. We aim to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of Music and encourage their talent as musicians by providing opportunities for all children to create, perform and appraise different Music genres. Through our Music teaching we aim to develop all pupils self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As the pupils progress, they develop their listening, composition, musicianship, singing, performance and evaluation skills.
To ensure children receive all benefits of Music teaching a vast range of resources are used to meet all needs of the children. The children are always exposed to high quality music experiences following the model music curriculum. Music is always encouraged as extra-curricular activities.
Music will be taught in strands woven together:
- Singing
- Listening
- Composing
- Musicianship
- Performance.
They will learn to recognise and name the dimensions of music and use these meaningfully in their own compositions and improvisations: structure, tempo, pitch, dynamics, duration, timbre, pulse and rhythm.
This is measured in a variety of ways including:
- Ongoing assessment of children through learning objectives tagged and evidenced on See Saw, by video and photographs
- Uptake of music provision in terms of numbers of children for – Choir, Music Ensemble, Peri Lessons
- Attendance of Parents and student engagement in ongoing music performances including, Christmas Showcase, Concerts, Young Voices, yearly class music assemblies and Musical Theatre.
- Proactive involvement of vulnerable children showing musical promise in individual music lessons and monitoring of their progression and development.
- Parental and Student feedback to classroom teaching staff and SLT.
- Student involvement in community music activities performing at the local nursing home or local Music Hub concerts.