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  • At Staynor Hall, our aim is to prepare children for the future through embedding technology across the curriculum.  As the world around us becomes more and more digitally dependent, ensuring that all children learn the necessary skills and knowledge to help navigate the virtual world in a safe and respectful manner becomes increasingly essential. We aim to develop the children’s analytical problem solving skills through the highly engaging lessons delivered, with collaboration at its core. The planning and delivery of lessons focuses on communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. We aim to create responsible, mature ‘digital citizens’ who take ownership of their online actions. 

  • The programs of study from the National Curriculum are delivered across both key stage 1 and 2. The three core strands of control systems, digital literacy and information technology are broken down into clear objectives for each year group. Children in Foundation Stage have access to chromebooks, as well as the use of the interactive whiteboards and bee bots. Year 1 and 2 have 1:2 chromebook access while Year 3-6 have 1:1 access. At Staynor, Year 1 to 6 have weekly computing sessions. The objectives for each year group have been mapped across the LTP with cross curricular links made to enhance other subjects. E-safety is of paramount importance at Staynor Hall and embedded in the weekly teaching and assembly cycle. At Staynor Hall, we aim to enhance KS1 and KS2 computer science through manipulatives such as micro bits. Opportunities are given to children across school through the digital leader programme leading e-safety whole school assemblies, teaching EYFS (programming with bee bots) and supporting staff and children with new technology. 

  • Using the year groups objectives, teachers monitor the progress of their children by stating if they have met the objective or not. Seesaw is used to store evidence of objectives that have been met. Digital leaders gain an insight into how effective teaching and learning of computing is, as well as wider pupil voice. Staff meetings allow the subject lead to offer support and guidance and is driven by their subject’s action plan. A school link governor meets with the subject lead to discuss progress and next steps, as well as coming into school to observe the teaching of computing. Our aim is for children to leave Staynor Hall as ‘digital citizens’ who continue to have a happy and healthy digital life.


Computing Knowledge Progression