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Our Curriculum

At Staynor Hall Community Primary Academy, our curriculum will give each and every child the opportunity to build a life-long love for learning. We offer an exciting thematic curriculum that utilises the local area whilst developing an understanding and appreciation of the wider world. Our aim is to provide the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences later in life to prepare them to become citizens in an ever-changing society.

  • Our aim is for all our children to be respectful, lifelong learners, who can make a meaningful contribution to their community by the time they leave us in Year 6, ready for their next steps in their life journey.  We want our children to go on to live a life of choice and opportunity. 

    Every child will experience development and growth through exploration, creativity and discovery. Each individual learner is encouraged and supported to live our core values so they can develop determination, collaboration, honesty and their self-belief. 

    • At Staynor Hall, personal development and safeguarding is placed at the heart of our school curriculum
    • We have a tailored curriculum that is bespoke and contextualised to our children across all areas of our school. 
    • Knowledge is carefully and progressively planned out to ensure we have a spiralling curriculum that allows for opportunities to revisit and practise concepts 
    • We recognise and celebrate differences, making every child a unique individual. 
    • We use enquiry based learning that is purposeful, enriching and is based in real-life contexts
    • All learning is made accessible to all children 
    • The curriculum is enhanced through visitors, visits and extra curricular activities 
    • All subject leaders take ownership in developing their subject to enhance the learning for all learners 
    • Good practice is shared across the school and the academy through regular CPD opportunities 
    • We have clear behaviour expectations that are shared with the whole of our school community, including parents, so that they can be consistently and fairly implemented, ensuring that everyone can access learning in a calm, safe and purposeful environment 
    • Children at Staynor Hall access a broad and balanced curriculum that supports them in being a well-rounded citizen
    • Children are confident when sharing about the knowledge they have acquired 
    • Children’s personal development is exceptional, meaning they have a thorough understanding of how to deal with the changing world around them 
    • Children feel safe and know how to manage challenging situations. If they have any worries or challenges, they know they have adults in school who can help them 
    • Children are equipped with diverse knowledge and skills that allow them to thrive as responsible citizens 
    • All children are fully included in our school community 
    • Children confidently display our Staynor Hall values in the way they carry themselves both in school and in the local community 

Curriculum Design 

  • (A)

    • (B)

      KS1 – Long Term Plan

      Lower Key Stage 2 – Long Term Plan

      Upper Key Stage 2 – Long Term Plan

      (Original document is within Google Sheets – please enquire in school, if you experience any formatting issues)




      Wider Curriculum

      [Please note this page is still under construction]

      Wider Curriculum