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  • At Staynor Hall Primary Academy we believe that Religious Education gives children an understanding of the identity and diversity of the local community to enable them to grow up to live and work tolerantly alongside people of all beliefs and cultures. Our pupils will become active, purposeful citizens of Selby and be challenged to reflect on difficult subjects such as the meaning and purpose of life. Children have an understanding of those big questions making sense of religion and world views and reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. 

  • At Staynor Hall Primary Academy we teach RE on a 2 year rolling cycle following the agreed North Yorkshire Syllabus for Religious Education (2019-2024). 

    To ensure we provide a rich understanding of world views, we aim to develop the following:

    1. Understanding of a wide range of religions and worldviews.
    2. Knowledge to express ideas and insights about the significance and impact of religion and worldviews. 
    3. Understanding of, and respect, for religions and worldviews. 


    We use ‘key questions’ to encourage conversation and promote independent enquiry. These questions are designed to inform our children about the many ways to believe, express and live.


     In Early Years we cover key calendar events exposing children to a range of faiths. We also explore their growing sense of self and their immediate community. 

    In Key Stage 1 we cover the religions Christianity and Judaism. 

    In Key Stage 2 we cover the religions Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.

    Among these specified religions, we explore other worldly views such as atheism and ideas such as; morals, freedom and choice and saints and heroes.


    Children will leave Staynor Hall with a wide range of knowledge and in-depth understanding of worldviews they may encounter in their lives, which allows them to become respectful members of society. 

  • In Years 1-6, RE progress will be evident in Creative Curriculum books, on Seesaw and on Google Classroom. In EYFS, as the children experience key calendar dates they will be able to talk about and describe these events. 

    Across the school, children will acquire a broad and balanced understanding of worldviews. Children will be able to respectfully debate and discuss religious ideas. They will take forward, into their future, key knowledge about world beliefs in an increasingly diverse world. 


Religious & Worldview Education Knowledge Progression