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  • At Staynor Hall, Science aims to inspire the five types of scientific enquiry through the exploration of the world. The children are nurtured through their journey of working scientifically by giving them opportunities to demonstrate their natural curiosity. Children will acquire a skill set through a diverse range of learning opportunities and an environment where they are encouraged to ask questions and seek answers.

  • At Staynor Hall, we aim to spark children’s curiosity in Science through high quality teaching and learning. We endeavour to link Science to our thematic approach to the curriculum. Following a two year rolling programme, allows children to have new learning opportunities whilst consolidating prior knowledge. We engage EYFS by ensuring opportunities are provided to explore their understanding of the world in their environment. We ensure lessons are planned following a three part lesson model created by our Science lead and the academy specialist. This model consists of the  ‘thinking part’, ‘learning part’ and ‘applying part’.

    Thinking part – this aims to create a hook to ignite their curiosity of the world around them and, in turn, generates rich discussion and questioning. 

    Learning part – this part of the lesson develops a skill and moves children’s learning and understanding forward. We ensure children learn and use correct scientific vocabulary in each topic area. 

    Applying part – this part is where the children can demonstrate their learning and apply it in different ways. 

    Throughout our three part lesson model, we ensure working scientifically is weaved throughout to develop their enquiry skills. 

    • Lessons are engaging, fun and informative


    • Children will be provided with the foundations to understand the world around them and the opportunity to build upon their curiosity


    • Children will be able to identify where Science plays a role in the wider world


    • Children will participate in STEM week each year and planned specific whole- school Science days. 

    Learning will be evident across books, Seesaw and whole class floor books. 


Science Knowledge Progression – to be updated.