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Vacancy: 1:1 Support

We are recruiting for a 1:1.  If you are interested or know of anyone this may be of interest to, please click on the link below for further information and how to apply. 1:1 Assistant Teacher    
Posted On 03 Nov 2021

Shining Stars!

Two of our children from Team Staynor have accomplished an amazing achievement. Jasmine and Ciara have both been accepted into the Royal Ballet Junior Associates Programme. Please read below as Jasmine and Ciara tell us in their own words how this happened…     ‘After...
Posted On 03 Feb 2021

Run Around the World – Update

We’re homeward bound on our charity challenge. We’re now over 31,500 kilometres in and we’re sailing past the famous Galapogas Islands. There’s only a few days left in May, but hopefully still plenty of opportunities to get out and about. We’ve still...
Posted On 28 May 2020

Run Around the World – Update

We’ve now travelled over 26,500km and we’re in the Pitcairn Islands in the Pacific Ocean – where the mutineers from Bounty ended up!   We’re about to enter our final week of the challenge and luckily, as it’s half-term, there will be lots of opportunities...
Posted On 22 May 2020

Run Around the World – Update

We have completed over 21,000km and we’re now in Fiji. There’s 23,000km to go so although there are many people doing really well, we need to maintain momentum and get more on board to achieve the target.  Get your running shoes on, we’ve got this!!
Posted On 18 May 2020

We’re in Australia!!

We’re nearly half-way through our challenge and almost half-way around the world – we’re in Australia! Between us, we’ve covered almost 18,000 kilometres! Keep it up, everyone, and don’t forget to include family and friends. Importantly, make sure you log your distance...
Posted On 15 May 2020

Update on our Run Around the World

We’ve landed in China! After a busy Bank Holiday weekend, we have collectively run, walked, cycled, or wheeled almost 11,000km – a quarter of the way around the world! Keep going everyone, and keep logging your distances!...
Posted On 11 May 2020

Run Around the World – Update

  We’ve made it to India! In less than a week, collectively our Run Around the World challenge has now taken us 8,338km through Europe and Dubai and now we’re in New Delhi. See our website for more – and kee...
Posted On 07 May 2020

Run around the World – Update

Keep up to date with our Run Around the World   We are regularly updating our charity run website page here (   After a busy first weekend, between all our efforts we have travelled over 3,000...
Posted On 04 May 2020