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This school has a Local Governing Body (LGB) which is responsible for making day to day decisions on the running of the school.  Its power is delegated from Trustees of the main multi-academy trust board.

The LGB consists of members of the local community interested in education and no formal qualifications are required as full training is given.  The Headteacher is automatically a member of the LGB by nature of their position, but cannot Chair.  Parents are welcome to join the LGB and when there are vacancies, we particularly welcome applicants with skills in managing budgets, legal work, human resources, running a business, or any work connected with young people.

Any Governor vacancies will be advertised here.

The Chair of Governors, John Tweedlie, can be contacted via the school, by post to Staynor Hall Community Primary Academy, Staynor Link, Selby, YO8 8GE or by email:


Ebor Academy Trust is a charitable organisation that relies on the valuable input of a considerable number of non-executive volunteers, supported by an experienced team of staff.  To find out more information, click on the link below:



Be a Governor

Governance Matters

Register of Interests – 2024 [to be added]

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Governor Attendances for 2023-2024 [to be added]


Our Governing Body

John Tweedlie - Chair of Governors

I originally joined the school when it first opened as a parent helper in Team Nidd. I was persuaded to come on board as a Parent Governor by the then Head due to the vacancy remaining unfilled after elections had been held. Since then I have been a link governor for a number of different subjects, had a year as Vice-Chair, and was very proud to move up when our first chair Duncan stepped down from the role. As the Chair I am regularly in school, meeting with the Head or visiting classes to see our excellent teaching staff in action and I remain a parent helper working with the Reception class (Covid restrictions notwithstanding).

In my day job, I am a Change Specialist for Aviva insurance working primarily in our Financial Adviser facing function looking after some of our online processes. In this role, I specialise in enabling effective communication between our customers, our frontline teams, and our technology teams. Using data to identify and highlight risks and opportunities to the business and leveraging my understanding of our internal technology and processes my role is to provide the best outcomes for our customers. The skills I have developed fit well with my role as the Chair of Governors, leading a group of passionate people who all have their own specific sets of skills and experience, working together to help ensure Staynor Hall is the best version of itself.

Whilst my experience of supporting and leading in a school environment is limited to what I have learned as a member of the LGB I have been working with young people in my spare time for over 25 years as a senior instructor with the Army Cadet Force and more recently as an adult leader with the Scouting movement. I very much thrive on the challenge of working with young people, guiding them and helping them grow into successful young adults either directly through intervention in the classroom as a parent helper or indirectly by shaping policy and holding the school leadership to account as Chair of the LGB.

Working with the school has been an immensely rewarding experience and I would encourage anyone who is even vaguely interested to give it serious consideration. There are many ways you can help shape the future for our young people, as a volunteer in class where a couple of hours a week can have a much greater influence than you could imagine, as a member of the LGB helping to shape school policy and being that critical friend offering the school leadership an alternative perspective or joining FOSHA and helping raise funds and organise events that make the school experience just that little bit more special.


Mark Berry - Parent Governor

I have worked at schools in the City of Bradford since 2000. I’m currently Information Systems Director and Data Protection Officer at an all-through Academy and have also led the Facilities Team for a couple of years. I have extensive knowledge of school building projects having been closely involved in the construction of numerous new build schools and many large school extensions over the years. In addition, I am on two Bradford Council committees, responsible for providing schools across the area with secure, safe, and cost-effective broadband, inter-school connectivity, and safeguarding systems.

I have lived on Staynor Hall since 2012 with my partner and 2 children, one of which attends Staynor Hall. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with family and travelling. I’m also a trained Neapolitan pizza chef and love serving up pizzas at home and can occasionally be found serving up pizzas at venues around Selby!

Bobby Watson-Frank - Parent Governor

Hello My name is Bobby and I am delighted to have been selected as a Parent Governor for Staynor Hall Primary Academy. I am a mum of 2 girls and my daughters both attend the primary school.  Through the role, I hope to help the school continue to provide an outstanding education for our children and also help to build stronger relationships between the parents and the School. I am really looking forward to working more with the children, staff and families within the school community.


Julie Lynch - Community Governor

I am an administrator for a local company, previously my background has been as a sales office manager  specialising in conference and events with over 25 years’ experience in the hospitality industry.    I have a keen eye for detail and a wealth of knowledge and experience in customer service, sales, and team management including recruiting, training, and motivation.

I decided to become a governor after finding out there was a vacancy for a community governor and as a mum myself of children that have flown the nest I understand the school process from Reception to University level.  Being a governor with no children at the school or of school age means that I can look at matters arising from a different perspective.

I am proud to be part of the Staynor Hall Governing Body and how the school is constantly developing.


Hazel Liddle - Parent Governor

I have 3 children, two of which both attend Staynor Hall Primary Academy and my youngest attends the nursery within the school.
Now that my youngest is in nursery I now have the time to commit to being a parent governor, so I am able to attend meetings, visit the school and learn this new role.
I hope to represent fellow parents and increase engagement between parents and the school.
I want to ensure all children can fulfill their full potential no matter their educational needs, special needs or their background.


Alex Winter, Headteacher


Molly Elliott - Staff Governor

Hello!  I am the Staff Governor at Staynor Hall Primary Academy. I first joined Staynor Hall in September 2021 as a newly qualified teacher. I currently teach Year 1 and my team is Team Aire. I also lead PSHE across the whole school and I am very passionate about promoting the importance of this subject as our children’s wellbeing and understanding of themselves and the world around them is so vital.

Outside of school I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and reading lots of books!