Welcome to Team Dove!
Our Class Team
Miss. Fawcett – Class Teacher
Mrs. Medley – Assistant Teacher
Mrs. S. Chugg
A day in the life of Team Dove
Every morning, children have 15 minutes to complete our morning learning task that starts at 8.45 a.m. We then take part in Daily Exercise and a class Check-in, where we share our feelings for the day. Across the morning, we usually complete Guided Reading, English, and Maths, where children share ideas, challenge their peers, and engage in wonderful learning tasks. After lunch, children enjoy some time to read for pleasure, take part in a quick-fire maths activity, and get lost in a daily class story. Our afternoons are then spent embracing our Creative Curriculum.
Team Dove’s PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Children can come to school in their school PE kit. Please ensure that PE kit is plain black or blue bottoms and jumper, a white t-shirt and does not have logos on. Please can earrings be taped or taken out on the days your child has PE.
Children are set weekly homework for spelling, reading and maths.
Reading: The children will be expected to read a minimum of 3 times a week, ideally to a grown up.
Spelling: The children will be expected to play a minimum of 5 games of the set spelling rule.
Maths: The children will have a task set on My Maths.
Children are expected to access TT Rockstars a minimum of 3 times a week.
Helping your child and useful websites:
One of the most powerful ways to support your child is to encourage a love of reading. Enjoy sharing books with your child and discuss what it is about. A fluent reader can access the whole curriculum!