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Welcome to Team Ouse!


Our Class Team!

Miss. Clark – Class Teacher

Mrs. D. Salvi-Woest – Assistant Teacher



A day in the life of Team Ouse

Our day begins with a morning starter which is either Maths or Reading focussed. This is followed by our class Check-in, where all children have the opportunity to share their feelings for the day. During the morning we complete Phonics, Guided Reading, English, and Maths. 

In the afternoon, the children come into a calm environment where they practise their handwriting, followed by a quick-fire mastery maths activity. We then move into our Creative Curriculum subjects such as Science, History, Geography, Music, and Art. Towards the end of the afternoon, we head outside for our daily exercise and we end the day with a story. 

Monday and Tuesday are our PE days.

Children can come to school in their school PE kit. Please ensure that PE kit is plain black or blue bottoms and jumper, a white t-shirt and does not have logos on.  Please can earrings be taped or taken out on the days your child has PE.


At the start of Autumn Term, the children will take a reading book home on a Friday and return it to school the following Friday. During this time, we ask the children to read at least 3 times at home which can be recorded in their reading records. 

From spring Term, the children will get weekly spellings. 


Supporting your child at home

Reading – 3 x reader

Maths basics – Numbots 

Spellings – From Spring Term


Useful websites and links


Phonics Play


Teach your monster to read


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