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Welcome to Team Esk 

About us

In our school, we are very proud to offer Nursery provision within our Early Years Foundation Stage, in a class team we call Team Esk.

Children come into our provision the term following their third birthday. Depending on availability, children may also be able to attend the setting as soon as they are three, however, these sessions must be paid for.  This page is designed to provide you with information about our setting, however, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Our Aims

At Staynor Hall  we work in partnership with every family to support and enable children to flourish through play in a caring, happy, stimulating and safe environment.

We endeavour to ensure that you and your child enjoy our Nursery provision.  It is important that children are given every opportunity to reach their full potential and as a parent you play a vitally important role.  We hope to play our part by offering your child a variety of experiences and activities designed to further


The Nursery Unit is part of the main school building and can be accessed via the main playground. 

The children have access to an outdoor area designed specifically for children in the Early Years Unit, this compromises a wide range of outdoor resources which children have access to throughout their session. Admittance to the setting is monitored ensuring the safety of your child.

Meet the Staff

Miss Powell – Nursery Teacher

Mrs. Hammill – Apprentice Assistant Teacher

Mrs. Muggleton – Assistant Teacher


Miss. Price – Assistant Teacher



The class teacher for Nursery is Miss. Powell supported by Mrs. Muggleton, Miss. Price and Mrs. Hammill .  All members of staff regularly attend training courses to further develop their understanding of childcare and to keep up to date with relevant information.


Parental Involvement

At Staynor Hall we recognise the importance of parent involvement in their child’s development, we, therefore, encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s learning.  We hold regular parent meetings twice a year, as well as an online learning journey that you will be able to access with your own personal login. We will be setting up an online forum that will keep you informed weekly of your child’s “Wow Moments” and encourage parents to write a comment about their child’s learning at home. Please ensure to check our website frequently as this will also keep you updated with all the latest news and events.  We are always available to discuss your child at a convenient time for both yourself and the school.

Our Facilities

The classroom is open plan and well-resourced with provisions to ensure coverage of The Early Years Foundation Stage.

There are also three toilets and sinks which are child size and height to encourage independence.  We work closely with parents to support toilet training and general hygiene routines for children.


We consider outdoor play to be vital for your child’s health, development, and education.  We have one outdoor play area combined with Tiny Steps children.  The children also have access to Reception’s playground where there is a playhouse, a mud kitchen, a sandpit, a large area for construction, a water area, and areas to expand children’s mark-making outside of the classroom.  Children have access to a water tap and can role play in the playhouse.

What your child will learn

When you ask your child what they did today the usual response is “Only playing”, and this is exactly what they will have been doing!  However there is much more to play than meets the eye.  You children will be learning through play and play experiences. Play is natural to children and is the way in which they learn.  Through play they learn new skills, develop new interests, encounter new experiences and build on previous knowledge.  We aim to provide a secure, caring, happy and structured environment where the children learn through meaningful play by using materials and equipment carefully selected and planned for by the staff.

All activities will be planned through monitoring and assessing the children’s individual needs and emerging skills.  The children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities including; messy play, role play, singing/nursery rhymes, story time, letters and sounds activities, small world and construction activities.

General Information

Session times are:

Morning Session:  8.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

Lunchtime:  11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Afternoon Session:  12.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Full Day:  8.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Each child is eligible for 15 hours of free sessions in nursery per week, with some children eligible for 30 hours. If you feel you may be entitled to 30 hours please visit  If you apply and are assessed as eligible for the 30 hours free childcare, please inform the school of the 30 hour code you will be issued with.  This is funded from the term after the child’s 3rd birthday. If you are not eligible for 30 hours funding, extra sessions can be purchased at a price of £15.00 per session, depending on availability.

If you are not eligible for 30 hours, you can choose for your child to attend full days on Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesday morning; or, Wednesday afternoon and full days on Thursdays and Fridays.

If you choose to attend a full day there is a cost of £3.00 for lunchtime supervision.  On full days you can choose to send your child in with a healthy packed lunch or pay for your child to stay for lunch.  The cost of a school meal is £2.15 and these can be selected and paid for via Hutchisons Appetite.  The deadline for selecting your child’s meals is 9.00 a.m. on the day.

Pick up and drop off

Usual pick up and drop off is situated on the main playground at 8.30 a.m. for drop off and 3.30 p.m. for pick-up.  However, if your child only attends half day on a Wednesday, collection is at 11.30 a.m. and afternoon drop off at 12.30 p.m. is from the door labelled at the ‘Staff Entrance’ which is located on the right hand side of the school near the car park.  Collection on a Wednesday is from the school playground.

Parents are kindly asked to refrain from using the school car park for pick up/drop offs unless they are a blue badge holder or have prior approval from the school office.  

What next?

If you are considering a place and would like to come and visit us, please click on the link and complete the form, and a member of the team will contact you to arrange a time and date for you to come and visit.  It is a chance for children and their parents to come and get a feel for the setting and to meet the staff and try out some of the exciting equipment and resources.

If you would like to register your child in Nursery please complete the form and a member of the team will be in touch.

Thank you for considering our Nursery at Staynor Hall and we hope to see you soon!