During February half term we decided to start our healthy selfie campaign. The idea of the healthy selfie is for families to show everyone how they stay active during the holidays and weekends. This can be anything from Mr. Jeff’s PE home activities, walking with your family, Joe Wicks’ morning workout, trampolining, or playing football in your garden. This is a great way of keeping community spirits up and also showcasing what happens in our local community. We have had a great response so far with a variety of activities being showcased at home, in the local village and far and beyond.
We feel staying active is even more important in the current climate. Please keep sharing what you are doing!
What to do?
Please tweet our school a photo and a quick explanation of what you have been doing.
@staynorHprimary All the family trying Mr Jeff’s home learning challenge. #healthyselfie
If you are unsure of how to use twitter on a computer/laptop or mobile device please follow this step by step guide – https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Twitter-Account