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A Musical Feast

The last week has seen a feast of Musical opportunities for our children. Firstly, our Musical Extravaganza, an evening with Key Stage 1 and 2 children performing a showcase of their work from their Music lessons with Mr. Heath.  Those who joined us (over 180 of you) witnessed...
Posted On 11 Dec 2017

Magical Maths After School Club (KS1 Children)

If you are interested in your child taking part, please click on this link:  Magical Maths Flyer Please note, bookings and payments are to be made with Magical Maths and not the school.
Posted On 06 Dec 2017

After School Club

Starting, today, Monday 20th November, for two weeks, we are trailling running the After School Club from the Studio. When you come to collect your child, please come to the main reception and press the door bell (not the office intercom) and a member of the ASC team will come...
Posted On 20 Nov 2017

Reminder: Training Day – Friday 17th November

School is closed to all children tomorrow for staff training  
Posted On 16 Nov 2017

Reading Workshop: Tuesday 7th November – 2 p.m. or 6 p.m. (for Parents/Carers with children in Year 1 to 5)

  If you are able to attend, please can you comment on the post sent to you via Bloomz. We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible
Posted On 01 Nov 2017

Join us for Open Doors

  Join us for Open Doors 2:15pm Thursday 9th November Reception to Year 5   What is the purpose of Open Doors? “How was school today?” you ask “Okay,” replies the child “What did you do?” you enquire “I can’t remember, not much,” replies the child Have you been there?...
Posted On 30 Oct 2017

School Council Election – Successful Candidates!

  We are very pleased to introduce Staynor Hall’s first ever School Council.  After a fortnight of election campaigning, the polling station opened its doors this afternoon.  A huge well done to all our candidates, who put such effort into their campaigns and to Team Foss...
Posted On 19 Oct 2017

Creativity is the key

  Over the coming weeks and months, we are very fortunate to be working with Colin Jackson, of Creative Learning Partnerships. Colin joins our staff and children in Key Stages 1 and 2 each Monday to teach classes and train staff in the art of using Drama to inspire and...
Posted On 26 Sep 2017


We would like to bring to your attention that residents of Staynor Hall have expressed concerns regarding road safety outside the school at drop off and pick up times. This is a concern that we share and I know one you will support us with improving. As the school continues to...
Posted On 20 Sep 2017