School Council Election – Successful Candidates!
We are very pleased to introduce Staynor Hall’s first ever School Council. After a fortnight of election campaigning, the polling station opened its doors this afternoon. A huge well done to all our candidates, who put such effort into their campaigns and to Team Foss for running the polling station so efficiently. The votes have been cast and the counting has taken place. I am delighted to announce there has been no need for a hung parliament and our successful candidates are:
Team Aire: Oliver Robinson and Jasmine Dunn
Team Ouse: Thomas Danks and Lily Tasker
Year 3: Joshua Rudge and Casey Howden
Year 4: Harrison Kerry and Ruby Nicholson
Year 5: Connor Pagram and Aimee Hambridge
For the 2017/18 school year, these children will be given the opportunity to represent the views of their classmates in decisions which are made about school improvements. They will also take a key role in organising special events in school. I have no doubt they will do an excellent job and I am sure you will join me in congratulating them on their election success and in wishing them all the best in their role.
Mr Jolly
CONGRATULATIONS to all the children who were voted to make Staynor Hall’s first school council board! ..I’m absolutely positive you will all do an amazing job on behalf of your class’s and that you will all thrive with the opportunity this has given to you all.
All the best guys,
Miss Schofield2