Welcome to the summer term
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to the summer term, which is certain to be full of exciting times for us all. We enjoyed a fantastic spring term at Staynor Hall – I can’t believe how quickly my first term as Headteacher flew by.
As a staff team, we are incredibly proud of our school and especially the children, but equally very grateful for your continued support and involvement. Can I please take this opportunity to thank you all for making me feel so welcome in the school community and to give you some updates which I hope you’ll find useful.
Staffing update
As our school continues to grow (we now have 172 on roll, including our Nursery and Tiny Steps) we will obviously be adding to our staff team for September 2017. Further information regarding new appointments and class organisation for next year will be shared when we are in a position to fully inform you. This week alone we will be having interviews for a new teacher and two new assistant teachers. Exciting times!
We have some other very exciting news which we’d like to share. The patter of tiny feet is on its way! Some of you may have already suspected as much, but Mrs. Jervis is expecting her first child in September; we’re all absolutely delighted for her and her husband. Mrs. Jervis plans to be with us until the end of this school year before starting her maternity leave. Mr Card is also going to become a daddy for the first time in May, so it’s exciting times ahead for two of our teaching team (and lots of sleepless nights!).
As a school who have made a pledge to communicate in a ‘paperless’ way, it’s really important that our communication streams with you, as parents, are effective. As you’re aware, in addition to face-to-face contact, we use Bloomz, Twitter and our school website as our main tools for communicating with you. Many thanks to those of you who recently attended our Communication Workshop, with Mr. Moss. This was an excellent opportunity to come and have some practical support with the use of Bloomz, Twitter and the website.
Bloomz is largely used for communication between yourselves and your child’s class teacher. Twitter is used as a means of giving daily updates about life in school, featuring activities the children are engaging in, special events etc. The school website is used for the office team and myself to communicate key messages to the whole school community. Finally, we have recently added a running news feed on the TV in our waiting room, so if you’re passing by, please have a look to see if you’ve missed anything.
To further improve communications, can I please ask that, if you haven’t already, you all take the following steps:
- Subscribe to the website (link on the homepage). Make sure you then access your e-mails and activate the link. It appears some of you subscribed but have never activated the link. You should receive an email notification each time messages are put on the website.
- If you have a smartphone or tablet, download Twitter and follow @staynorHprimary. Members of your extended family can also follow us. The twitter feed can also be seen on the website if you’re unable to download the app. Download it this week and like one of our posts!
- Ensure that you regularly check Bloomz for messages from your child’s class teacher. Again, any messages should trigger an email notification, but if you don’t regularly check your emails, you won’t receive the notification.
If you require any support with the website, Bloomz or Twitter, please pop in and speak to the office team, who will be more than happy to help.
Family Dining
Family dining continues to go from strength to strength. There is a lovely atmosphere in the dining hall as our children and staff enjoy quality time together. We have recently recruited a family dining assistant, who has joined our lunchtime team this week.
After the help of some highly acclaimed restaurant critics (Team Derwent), the new summer dinner menu has just been introduced. In addition to their meal, each table will now also be provided with additional freshly baked bread (wholemeal and white) and a range of vegetable/salad ‘finger nibbles’ such as cucumber, carrot sticks and peppers. Team Derwent continue to do an amazing job as role models; serving the dinner and also supporting the younger children with their eating and table manners.
School site improvements
Over the coming months, we’ll be working hard to make further improvements to the school site. Firstly, you may have seen Mr Franks busy building some raised beds near to the main entrance. Our intention is for the children to grow their own produce to use in Cook school. Watch this space! Our little green fingered friends will be sewing their seeds soon!
In addition to this, we will also soon be having some playground markings to improve playtimes. Children from Team Derwent worked alongside staff from Magical Playgrounds to design a fantastic playground for us. Designs have been finalised and we are now awaiting a date for the work to be done.
Safety outside school
In the interests of the safety of our children, can I please ask that you are considerate with your parking outside school. Can I also remind parents to use the pedestrian entrance in the mornings and after school. Some people have been seen walking through the vehicle entrance which remains open to allow access for blue badge holders and staff or visitors who arrive in a car. Please do not use this as a pedestrian entrance.
We have a growing number of parent volunteers in school, who offer their time to support learning in our classrooms. Many thanks to those of you who are already involved. If you are interested in offering some time, please can you inform the school office, who will discuss DBS clearance arrangements with you before adding you to our list and arranging times for you to get involved.
Dates for the summer term
Friday 5th May 2017 – Derwent Sharing Assembly (2.30 p.m.)
Tuesday 9th May 2017 – Class Photos (Nidd, Aire, Ouse & Derwent only)
w/c 22nd May 2017 – Year 2 SATS week
w/c 29th May 2017 – School Closed (Half-Term)
Thursday 8th June 2017 – General Election – Tiny Steps Closed (rest of school will remain open)
w/c 12th June 2017 – Year 1 Phonics Screening
22nd June 2017 – Art Exhibition (School Hall) – 2.30 p.m.
29th & 30th June 2017 – Whole School Closed – Teacher Training Days
Monday 3rd July 2017 – School Reports issued
Friday 7th July 2017 – Sports Day
Friday 14th July 2017 – Sports Day (back up date in case it rains on 7th)
Tuesday 25th July 2017 – Last day of term
Best wishes
Tim Jolly – Headteacher