After school Club – help us to help you – action required.
We need to ensure all our ratios are safe for all our children – non more so than in our after school provision. We recognise that in our initial form filling in requirements there were boxes to be ticked to register if your child would need the provision – but what is happening is many boxes have been ticked but then more or less children are coming than expected.
We would like to try to have a system whereby we ask you to email on a Friday to state what provision you would like for the following week
( If your child attends every week the same days you would only need to do this once)
Thereby we have a weeks notice to ensure our staffing levels are appropriate in order to give the best provision to your children and keep them safe.
SO – please could I ask you to email Mrs Danks by tomorrow (23rd Sept) to state which hours you would require next week.
Please not this is for After school club only NOT Breakfast club.
Sessions booked will be charged for. We require a weeks notice if your circumstances change
Thank you in anticipation for your help with this – if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring the school office.