Sports clubs after school……
Through our sports coach Mr Jeff we have some opportunities for sporting activities after school. There are two clubs going to run – Multi skills and Dance and these are offered to children from Y1-4 in the first instance
Multi-sports – Fridays Nov 11th, 25th, Dec 2nd and 9th – £10
‘The aim of the multi-sports club is to help your child develop a variety of
skills, such as team work, competitiveness, fair play, fitness, endurance and to
develop their sporting ability whilst having fun and enjoying themselves. The
sessions will consist of sports such as football, tag rugby, tennis, dodgeball,
benchball and more.’
Dance – Monday Nov 7th, 14th, 21st,28th, Dec 5th – £15
‘These sessions will be based around different styles of dance such as Street,
Cheerleading, Bollywood and others! The sessions are fun, fast paced and
energetic and encourage children to express themselves through a variety of
different styles of dance.’
The sessions will run from 3.20-4.20pm in the school hall.
Sessions and payment can be made through parentpay.
Any queries please email office on