We’re in – and soon you will be too!
Selby’s newest school is now complete and from Monday 16 May, headteacher Mrs Gail Brown and some key staff will move in to Staynor Hall Community Primary Academy.
The £5.5m school opens for the start of the new academic year on Tuesday 6 September but parents and children will soon get the chance to have a look round and meet Mrs Brown and the team.
“We’re very excited,” said Mrs Brown. “The school is looking fantastic and right now we’restarting to liaise with other schools to work out when’s best for children who are coming to the new school to come along and see what’s in store.
“In July there will be evening and daytime drop-in sessions too, and we’ll be putting the dates on our website once they’re confirmed – www.staynorhall.ebor.academy.
“A welcome pack, with details of such things like uniforms, will be sent out very soon after half-term.”
Parents of children starting in the Tiny Steps Academy for two-year-olds and Nursery for three- and four-year-olds, plus Reception class, will also be offered the chance to have a home visit from one of Mrs Brown’s team.
North Yorkshire County Council identified the need for additional education provision, following the development of Staynor Hall. By law, all new schools now have to be either free schools or academies and Staynor Hall marks the first such school for the county council. They met the costs in setting it up, with a contribution towards capital costs and the provision of the site from house builders Persimmon.
Staynor Hall Community Primary Academy will be operated by York-based Ebor Academy Trust.