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Closer working between Camblesforth and Staynor Hall

As detailed in our leaflet (available to download here), Ebor Academy Trust is working on closer links between our Camblesforth and Staynor Hall schools – both to help parents who can’t get a place for their child at Staynor Hall and to boost pupil numbers at nearby Camblesforth.

Plans include a minibus shuttle service and creative ways to enrich education at both schools.

Now that primary school Reception class places have been announced for September 2019, we await final numbers before deciding how to take these plans forward.

If you, as a parent or carer, decide you now want to opt for Camblesforth instead of the school you have been allocated by North Yorkshire County Council, email or call 01609 533679.

We will update both school websites with more information when it is available.

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