Healthy mind, healthy body, happy child!
Healthy mind, healthy body, happy child
As a Restorative School, promoting our children’s physical health and emotional well-being is hugely important to us and something we’ve always had at the heart of our school provision. Moving forward, as our staff team grows, we have been able to recruit, as well as train existing members of our team, and we are now excited to offer a growing range of additional provision.
Morning check-ins and dedicated ‘Hub’ time
Since our school opened in September 2016, we have committed to morning check-ins for all of our teams. These check-ins are an opportunity for children to share, along with their team, how they are feeling. This fosters a sense of belonging to a team, who are then able to support their friends through the day knowing if they are feeling low or anxious, but also sharing in any exciting news or events that may have happened.
Each team also have dedicated ‘Hub’ time once a week, with either Mrs Bell (EYFS-Year 4) , our learning and well-being mentor, or Miss Schofield (Year 5 and 6). These sessions give more focussed time for each team to discuss their feelings and resolve any concerns and worries. This is also an opportunity for the children to learn about our values and ethos, developing their life-skills.
Hub Club
New for 2018/19, Mrs Bell, will also be running a Hub Club. The purpose of this club is to provide any child either short or longer term access to well-being and nurture support at lunchtimes. Staff will closely monitor all our children to identify those who may need access to this provision. If you do not wish your child to be considered for Hub Club, please do let us know.
Cook School
I’m delighted to say that Cook School is now up and running. All our children (Reception to Year 6), in small groups, now have timetabled sessions within the school day with Mrs Mainds where they prepare, make and enjoy a range of different foods, often linked to their class topics. Mrs Mainds also takes Cook School on tour, and heads to classrooms to lead whole class sessions when appropriate. I’m sure all children will benefit greatly from these sessions. We’ve already seen a few budding Nigellas!
Reading for pleasure
Developing a love of reading is one of our Key School Development Priorities this year. To support this, Mrs Murray is now offering any children in Years 1-6 the opportunity to access additional reading time during lunchtimes in a calm and peaceful environment where children across the age ranges can share their love of book.
The Big Sing
In addition to our established weekly assemblies, we have now introduced ‘The Big Sing’, where Mr Heath leads the whole school (staff too!) for a Wednesday morning vocal workout! These sessions are lively, fun and aimed at having a great start to the day. As I’m sure you can imagine, Mr Heath is in his element, and the children are loving these new assemblies.
We now have a well established group of play leaders. Children in our upper classes can apply for, and be trained as, lunchtime play leaders under the supervision of Miss Catterall. They do a fantastic job promoting play and fun activities. These roles are regularly re-distributed to ensure all children have this opportunity to develop their leadership and communication skills.
After School Club
Through the skills and expertise of our own staff, and developing partnerships with local sports clubs and providers, we are widening the range of After School Clubs that we offer. We have also recently joined the local Selby Schools’ football league and will soon be beginning our fixtures. We have a mixed team and a girls team entered for this season’s competition and we can’t wait to get started.
As always, we are striving to improve our quality of provision for your children. Practical suggestions are always welcomed and I will be in touch shortly with a questionnaire where you’ll be able to contribute your ideas and thoughts around this theme.
Best wishes
Tim Jolly